— Published on October 16, 2014

Humanitarian action


French badminton is involved in humanitarian work. Its Federation, the FFBaD, signed a partnership with the recognized association of general interest Solibad – Badminton Sans Frontières, to jointly carry out humanitarian actions. The first concrete actions resulting from this agreement will be implemented during the Yonex French International Badminton Championships, scheduled from October 21 to 26, 2014 at the Pierre de Coubertin stadium, in Paris. The FFbaD and Solibad will organize a collection of badminton equipment, new or used. This material will be intended in part for humanitarian projects led by Solibad where badminton is a tool to help children in difficulty (Brazil, Iran in particular), but it will also serve as an educational tool for the development of badminton in emerging countries (Europe or Africa), as part of the “Shuttle Time” project established by the International Badminton Federation.