Always good to take. With figures to back it up, the Banque de France assures that the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games have resulted in a 0,25 point increase in French GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the third quarter of the year. This economic upturn, in a period that was otherwise very unstable politically after the dissolution of the National Assembly, would be the consequence of both ticket sales, with 12 million tickets sold by the COJO, and the IOC's contribution to the Games budget, through the distribution of television rights. In its bulletin, the Banque de France estimates the number of daily foreign visitors at 360.000 during the Olympic Games period, up 7% compared to the same period in 2023. But the only downside is that the Paralympic Games have not had the same impact on international tourism in France. Finally, it points out that cash withdrawals from ATMs increased by 14% in July and August in Paris.
— Published on December 4, 2024