Time is running out. Two weeks before the deadline set by the IOC for October 1, the financial guarantees from the State for the official award of the 2030 Winter Games to the French Alps have still not been signed. But they are on the way to being. Renaud Muselier, the president of the PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) region, told BFM DICI having recently had a very positive meeting with Michel Cadot, the former interministerial delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, who has just joined the office of the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier (photo above), where he will be in charge of relations with local authorities. The two men discussed the Winter Games in 2030 and the State guarantee. "It will do. I have no doubt about it", confided Renaud Muselier. According to a person close to the case, Michel Cadot left the meeting with the official letter of commitment from the PACA and AURA (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) regions, signed by the respective presidents. All that is missing now is Michel Barnier's signature. "He has always been on our side from the start of the adventure. I believe in it!”, assures Renaud Muselier.
— Published September 16, 2024