— Published January 10, 2025

FIBA extends contract with one of its partners


The top of the basket. Satisfied with its partnership with Schelde Sports, the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has decided to extend until 2028 with its official supplier of dedicated baskets and supports. The company will be responsible forequip all FIBA ​​competitions during this period, including EuroBasket 2025, the 2026 Women's World Cup, the 2027 Men's World Cup as well as Olympic tournaments at the Los Angeles Games in 2028. Schelde Sports has been an official technical supplier of FIBA ​​since 2017. “We are delighted with how our relationship with Schelde Sports has strengthened, comments Frank Leenders, FIBA's General Manager of Media and Marketing Services. FIBA's commitment to providing top quality equipment which players can rely on is greatly facilitated by working with high-performance suppliers such as Schelde Sports.” Olivier Estèves, CEO of the ABEO group, which owns Schelde Sports, is already promising « cutting-edge products that will enhance the athlete and fan experience” in the future. The company had already innovated during the 2023 World Cup by integrating screens into the structure supporting the baskets.